After being sentenced to a 30 day imprisonment by Judge Stephanie Sautner, actress Lindsay Lohan was released after 5 hours of being in jail due to overcrowding.
Authorities have confirmed that Lohan was set free after being imprisoned at Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood last Sunday. The former child actress entered in the prison at 8:58pm and was released around 1:40 am.
The news started to spread that Lindsay was out of the prison after she was seen arriving in her house at Venice Beach being escorted by a security guard.
Lohan was given a 30 day imprisonment sentenced last November 9 due to her violation from her previous probations.
Officials have explained that in the right time, the actress will be sent into jail for one night. They have also added that those people who were sentenced into less than 90 days imprisonment is allowed to check in and check out of the jail as long as they have committed a non-violent crime.
In the past years, Lohan’s credibility has been degraded due to several crimes and violations that she has done, not to mention her in and out from the rehab.
Her latest crime she committed that made her put into a 35 day house arrest was the thef scene that she has done in a jewelry shop near her house in Venice Beach where she allegedly took a $2,500 worth of necklace.
Included in the violation that she has done in the past years was the drug and drunk driving violation in 2007 and the stealing of necklace this year.