Facebook and Google to Buy Skype

Skype between Google and Facebook
Skype between Google and Facebook

Facebook and Google as  reported is currently having preliminary and separate talks to Skype – a popular web video telephony service that is widely used in the world.

Despite the silence of the concerned parties about the said talk, Technology observers stated their (–foul word(s) removed–)umptions to which they think Skype will most likely to tie knot with and most believe that it’s with Facebook.

Eric Jackson, founder and manager of the investment firm Ironfire Capital said that it’s not surprising that both these companies are interested. He also added that it’s (skype) a much more valuable (–foul word(s) removed–)et to Facebook than to Google.

Observers and analysts believe that the addition of Skype to Facebooks’ feature will strengthen the site’s core which is communication. And it will make its users spend more of their time than the usual to the said site.


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