WHO Assures Support After 9 Zika Cases Reported in the Philippines

WHO assured support for the Philippines after the increasing cases of Zika virus in the country. The World Health Organization was not surprised if Zika cases were recorded in the Philippines, a tropical country. On Tuesday, the Department of Health said six more cases of Zika were reported this month of September, bringing the total … Read more

DOH Approves: Controversial Anti-Dengue Vaccination Program

DOH Approves: Controversial Anti-Dengue Vaccination Program

Dengue Vaccine was released by WHO and supported by the DOH. DOH approves dengue vaccination in the country will be implemented after the paper  was released by the World Health Organization or the WHO to safeguard the high occurrence of dengue in the country. According to a report, the World Health Organization or the WHO … Read more

Nigerian Officials Say ‘Mysterious’ Disease Kills 18

LAGOS, Nigeria – Government said a “mysterious” disease that kills patients with just 24 hours killed 18 people in southeastern town, Saturday. Ondo state health commissioner Dayo Adeyanju said that already 23 people were affected and 18 of them are already dead as of record. Earlier, government spokesman Kayode Akinmade gave 17 dead counts since … Read more