Airline Employee Steals Plane, Crashed After Unauthorized Use

Airline mechanic steals a plane from Seattle airport and crashes

Airline Employee Steals Plane, Suddenly Crashed After Unauthorized Takeoff A certain airline employee stole an aircraft from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and suddenly crashed in the wooded area. On Friday night (August 10, 2018), a 76-seater aircraft was stolen by an airline mechanic and flew it for an hour but crashed after unauthorized takeoff. The airport officials … Read more

Air Algeri Plane Crash Victim Named

The British victim of Air Algeric plane crash is known to be David Morgan. He was one of the 116 passengers when Air Algeric flight crashed in Mali on Thursday, July 24, 2014.  It is also said on the news that none of them are saved. It is confirmed yesterday by a Foreign Office spokesperson. … Read more

Teen Pilot on A Plane Crash

A teen pilot who attempted to set a world record for an around the world flight got killed on a plane crash. The 17 year old teen ager pilot  Haris Suliman was accompanied by his father. The plane crash happened after he takes off from Pago Pago in American Samoa. It is based on the news from Phil … Read more

Paranaque Plane Crash Leaves 13 People Dead

Light Plane Crash in the Philippines

A light plane crashed in a shanty at around 2:00 P.M. after take-off  near F. Serrano Elementary School at Paranaque City, Philippines. The plane crash leaves at least 13 people dead and numbers of residents were wounded but unaccounted for. The plane burst into flames after it crash landed at Paranaque and hit the school. … Read more

Francis Mwamba: Survivor of UN Plane Crash in Congo

UN Plane Crash in Congo Leaves 32 Dead

Francis Mwamba, a Congolese journalist and the lone survivor of the UN aircraft crash in Congo have already given his initial statement of the accident that took the lives of 32 p(–foul word(s) removed–)engers and crew members of the ill-fated plane that was crashed in Congo. He was on board the plane after a reporting … Read more