Mikey Bustos Discovery Named Species #555

Mikey Bustos Discovery

MIKEY BUSTOS DISCOVERY – The famous influencer-actor was recognized for discovering a new species of ants which he called Species #555. The Filipino-Canadian content creator discovered ants in his backyard two years ago. It had a strange appearance which was something he had never seen. He sent a specimen to his friend from the University of … Read more

Mikey Bustos Discovers New Ant Species

Mikey Bustos

Filipino-Canadian content creator Mikey Bustos is credited for this science breakthrough. MIKEY BUSTOS – The famous content creator-actor has discovered a new ant species from his backyard and was credited for it. Filipino-Canadian content creator and actor Mikey Bustos happily shared in a post an achievement he unlocked. It was a scientific breakthrough as he was able to make … Read more

Mikey Bustos Introduces Boyfriend Through “Freedom” Post

Mikey Bustos

YouTube star Mikey Bustos bravely admits and introduces boyfriend to public. MIKEY BUSTOS – The Filipino comedian Mikey Bustos just came out over the weekend as he introduced his “King” and his boyfriend RJ Garcia. The Filipino comedian Mikey Bustos first came to fame because of his funny parodies on his YouTube channel. He appeared … Read more

Tutor of Filipino Accent and Culture Hit on YouTube

Nearly a million page views on YouTube videos of a Filipino-Canadian, Mikey Bustos where he gives a tutorial about Pinoy culture. In his video tutorials he taught Filipino accent, style of Filipino courtship and even the style of eating he shared in his video tutorials. There are so many Filipinos around the world who have … Read more