Male Nurse Falls while Riding Zipline in Tabuk, Kalinga

Male Nurse Falls while Riding Zipline

Male Nurse Falls from Zipline in Kalinga on his 2nd Ride MALE NURSE – A 31-year-old nurse accidentally fell while riding a zipline for the second time in Tabuk, Kalinga. While there are individuals who got a lot of fears that prevent them from experiencing adventurous situations, there are also those who can really be … Read more

Male Nurse Infected w/ Coronavirus: “Parang pinagtatabuyan nila ako”

Male Nurse

Male Nurse Infected w/ Coronavirus Expresses Dismay To Municipal Government After Rejecting his Entry: “Parang pinagtatabuyan nila ako” A male nurse infected with coronavirus expressed his dismay to municipal government after rejecting his entry back to his home. Several nurses and health workers from the provinces of southern Luzon have been pulled out in front-line … Read more