Kris Aquino International Offers? Actress Reveals Possible Future Projects

Kris Aquino International Offers

Kris Aquino international offers revealed? KRIS AQUINO INTERNATIONAL OFFERS – The famous personality Kris Aquino reveals the unexpected blessings in her life coming from endorsements. After all the struggles Queen of All Media Kris Aquino has suffered previously coming from being betrayed to her worsening health condition which was found out to be an autoimmune … Read more

Kris Aquino Shares Burial Plans In Her Social Media Account

Kris Aquino shares to the public her burial plans. KRIS – The Queen of All Media Kris Aquino shared her burial plans to the public through a post in her social media account. People would usually talk about birthdays, weddings, and other life events and set up plans on how they would be celebrated. We … Read more