Japan Ends Tsunami Alert After 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake

Japan Tsunami warning ended

Japan Ends Tsunami Warning After Strong Earthquake JAPAN – The meteorological agency in Japan lifted its tsunami alert after the 6.8 magnitude earthquake on June 18. The Land of the Rising Sun Japan is one of the most countries that are prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. Because earthquake and tsunamis cannot be predicted, lots of … Read more

Chile Tsunami Warning Issued After 8.2 Magnitude Earthquake

Tsunami Chile Alert

The Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre had already issued a Tsunami Warning in Chile and its neighboring countries after the m(–foul word(s) removed–)ive 8.2 earthquake hit off the coast of Chile. Update: Tsunami warning center drops Tsunami Warning for all countries, except for Chile and Peru; all other alerts canceled. The Tsunami Warning Centre was quoted … Read more

Japan Hits by 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake (Dec. 7, 2012)

Japan Earthquake

Japan was hit by a 7.3 magnitude earthquake which struck the northeastern coast of Japan near Kamiashi on Friday, December 7, 2012. Japan was one of the worst-hit country during the March 2011 earthquake that killed more than 20,000 people. The December 7 Japan earthquake struck at around 5:18 PM at a depth of about … Read more

Tsunami in Japan might be an event happening every 1000 years

Japan Tsunami

Another scientific theory has been released by a leading seismologist stating that tsunami that hit north east Japan last Friday after the earthquake only come once every 1,000 years. After studying the last week’s event in Japan destroying hundreds of buildings and taking thousands of lives. Dr. Roger Musson head of seismic hazard at the … Read more

Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Possible Radiation Leak

Tsunami hit the Fukushima power plant

Devastating earthquake followed by a tsunami have caused the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan to a problematic cooling system. After the declaration of shut down by the Japanese government to all nuclear power plants in the country as a precautionary measures for the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, it’s worst calamity for more … Read more