The Reason Why Grade 12 Student Kills Female Teacher Finally Revealed

Grade 12 Student

The Reason Why Grade 12 Student Kills Female Teacher Finally Revealed The reason why the male Grade 12 student killed his female teacher inside the school building has been finally revealed. A few weeks ago, the reports regarding the untimely death of Mylene Veras-Durante of Oringon Elementary School in Pio Duran, Albay spread like a wildfire … Read more

Female School Teacher Dies After Killed By Grade 12 Student

Female School Teacher

Grade 12 Student Kills Female School Teacher Inside School Building A female school teacher identified as Mylene Veras-Durante died after killed by a male Grade 12 student inside the school building in Albay. On Tuesday (October 9, 2018), Mylene Veras-Durante, an elementary school at Oringon Elementary School in Pio Duran, Albay has been murdered by a male … Read more