2024 Lucky Colors Based On Your Zodiac Sign

2024 Lucky Color

2024 LUCKY COLORS – There are 12 Chinese zodiac animals and here are the considered prosperous colors for each of them. Since the New Year’s Eve is just around the corner, here are some popular beliefs we often practice during this time of the year.

Year of the Pig: 2019 Chinese Zodiac Signs Predictions

Chinese Zodiac Signs

2019 Chinese Zodiac Signs Predictions Here are some of the Chinese zodiac signs predictions that will determine your luck and fortune this 2019 – Year of the Pig. Most people are looking forward of having a joyful and abundant life this 2019 after another had passed away. Chinese zodiac signs for the year of the … Read more

Aquarius (January 21-February 19): Astrological Predictions for 2014

Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac sign is represented by a figure pouring water from an urn. Aguarians are determined, persistent in nature with a broad-minded, progressive and somwhat unconventional attitude to life. They are original and inventive, Aquarians like to sweep away the past and shake the rest of us awake. If you … Read more

2013 Predictions for Horse Zodiac Andy Tan (Video)

Year of the Water Snake Predictions Video

Andy Tan, a Feng Shui expert shared his views and predictions for the year of the Water Snake based upon the Chinese Zodiac signs. In an interview with Karen Davila last December 31, 2012 he shared his predictions for those who were born under the Year of the Horse Zodiac signs. The Feng Shui expert … Read more