Naughty Seller Gets Mauled by Prospect Buyer After Selling Bicycle w/ Motorcycle Fairings

Prospect Buyer

Prospect Buyer Mauls Naughty Seller After Selling Bicycle w/ Motorcycle Fairings A naughty seller got mauled by his prospect buyer after selling an ordinary bicycle covered with motorcycle fairings. Nowadays, buy and sell has been very popular in various countries all around the world including the Philippines. Most people find it more convenient to look … Read more

Female Doctor Riding Bicycle Died After Plowed by Truck in Manila

Female Doctor Plowed by Truck in Manila While Riding Bicycle A female doctor was killed after she was hit by a truck while riding a bicycle amid transportation ban in Pandacan, Manila. According to the report of Manila Police District, the victim was identified as Dr. Ma. Teresa Dajao y Ballat, 54, married, lives in … Read more

Frontliners Earned Praise After Spotted Riding Bicycle Going to Hospital

Frontliners Spotted Riding Bicycle Amid Transpo Ban Goes Viral Photos of three frontliners spotted riding bicycles on their way to hospital amid transportation ban due to EQC earned praise online. Due to the enhanced quarantine community around the country to combat the rising cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), people are strictly prohibited from leaving their homes … Read more