PPCRV Requests Comelec’s Explanation About Data Bottleneck

The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting Wants Comelec To Explain Data Bottleneck PPCRV – Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting released initial findings after they reviewed Comelec’s computer logs. After the 2019 midterm elections were conducted, people were meticulously following election updates. Following the polling processes, numerous reports of election troubles also came out. … Read more

NAMFREL Suggests Manual Ballot Counting For PH Elections In 2022

NAMFREL The Philippine Elections Should Return To Manually Counting Ballots In 2022 NAMFREL – The National Citizens’ Movement for Free Elections suggested that Philippines should return to manual ballot counting in 2022. After the nationwide elections have been conducted, many Filipinos followed television and social media election updates. Following this, groups started protesting against alleged … Read more

Video Of Alleged Pre-Shaded Ballots Could Disrepute Automated Elections

The Viral Video Of Alleged Pre-Shaded Ballots Could Possibly Ruin Automated Election’s In VIDEO – The video exposure of the alleged pre-shaded ballots that went viral could possibly disrepute the system of automated elections. Cheating allegations on the election day have been coming out lately. There has been several allegations about possible tactics allegedly used … Read more

Tindig Pilipinas Protests Against Alleged Election Fraud

Members Of The Tindig Pilipinas Coalition Protested Against The Alleged Election Fraud TINDIG PILIPINAS – The members of the opposition coalition Tindig Pilipinas gathered near and protested against the alleged election fraud. The nationwide elections were conducted last Monday (May 13, 2019). Right after the polls, people started following updates on the results. Watching closely, … Read more