Raffy Tulfo Can’t Say Anything Due To His Complainant’s Non-Stop Speaking

Raffy Tulfo’s Non-Stop Talking Complainant Made Him Speechless and Couldn’t Say Anything The veteran Filipino broadcaster Raffy Tulfo couldn’t finish what he was saying because of his non-stop talking complainant. He seems pissed off of her but he still laughing. Recently, the famous Youtube channel “Raffy Tulfo in Action” uploaded a video of a wife … Read more

Angono’s Famous ‘Higantes’ Showcase its Artistry in Korean Cultural Festival

Angono, Rizal’s Higantes Showcase Filipino Culture & Artistry in Korean Cultural Festival in South Korea Angono’s higantes is the giant effigies that originated in Angono, Rizal, known for the famous Higantes festival. The giant effigies took part in the Itaewon Global Village Festival (Korean Cultural Festival) in South Korea to showcase Filipino culture and artistry. … Read more

Singapore To Be the First Country to Ban Advertisements For Very Sugary Drinks

“Singapore” The First Country That Will Ban The Advertisements For Very Sugary Drinks SINGAPORE – It is one of Asia’s-hit-list destinations and it is constantly evolving, reinventing, and re-imagining itself. It will be the first country that will ban some advertisements for very sugary drinks. Such drinks, as well as medium to high-sugar content beverages, … Read more