AJ Perez had p(–foul word(s) removed–)ed away but his inexistence in the world of the living was not a hindrance for him to continue building, shaping and touching other lives.
In fact, on the same date of his burial, an eye operation, specifically a Cornea Transplant had took place for an eight-year old boy named Daniel delos Santos who had been suffering corneal ulcer since he was two months old.
The cornea transplant was intended for his right eye.
Before the operation had took place, it could be seen on Daniel’s aura that he is excited and very much determined for the success of the operation. An opposite reaction to her mother, Sarah, whom just like any other mother, felt much tension and had many what-ifs on the outcome of the operation.
In determining the chances of the success or failure of the operation,Dr. Jacinto Dy – Liacco had said that it took one year to really determine if the transplant is totally a success. However, it was (–foul word(s) removed–)ured that things will be fine.
Meanwhile, after the operation, the doctor said that the preliminary result base on the child’s eye response to the transplant is success.
To recall, AJ died due to a car accident taking place while he was heading back to Manila after an out of town show.