Termination Letter Sample

This is a Termination Letter Sample you may use as a guide.

TERMINATION LETTER SAMPLE – Here are some important tips and guidelines in writing a formal and professional termination letter.

To notify an employee that he or she is fired, an employer would need to send him or her a termination letter. This type of letter is also known as a pink slip, letter of termination, contract termination letter, letter of separation, and a notice of termination of employment. A  sample letter of this is shown below.

Aside from informing that he is fired, it should also professionally and formally indicate the explanation of the benefits or compensation they are due to receive upon leaving.

Check out a termination letter sample below:

April 5, 2005

Dear Miss Rosette Panabo:

This letter is to inform you that your employment with the VG Company will be terminated, effective April 15, 2005. This decision cannot be changed.

We have come to the decision to terminate your employment for the following reasons:

– On January 22, you were absent without an approved leave, thus, a letter was written to serve as a warning to you for violating a company policy.

– On February 28, you were absent from work without an approved leave again and a second warning was sent to you indicating that the third warning will result in your dismissal.

– On March 23 is your third absence without leave, resulting in your termination.

You are entitled to your salary until April 13 and the company will also compensate your remaining vacation days. Your health care benefits will remain in effect for another 90 days from the day of your termination.

You are requested to return the company laptop, your company ID, swipe card, and company cellphone on or before April 15.

If you have questions about compensation, benefits, company property, or policies you have signed, please contact John Santos at 444-4444.


Miriam Dayon
General Manager


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