Philippines: HIV Preadolescent Victims grows vast

Philippines: HIV Preadolescent Victims grows vast
Philippines: HIV Preadolescent Victims grows vast

In this generation nowadays, Teenagers are more liberated compared to the past years; if you’re going to notice. Despite of all the sex education which is being taught and Implemented to the students which was approved by the government that aims to let everyone know its negative effects especially to youth, still it doesn’t work. The latest surveys show that there is an enormous amount of teenagers which is suffering from a deadly and incurable disease which is known as HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) or AIDS (Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome).


There are 3 main causes of having an HIV/AIDS Infection, and the most common cause of it is that is:

First –Engaging to an Intimacy Sexual contact, e.g. Vaginal, anal, oral sex with an infected partner because it is through direct contact that you can be infected by sharing sexual devices.

Second – Through Transmission of Blood, e.g. by transfusion activities, sharing of syringes and needles.

Third – Through Pregnancy, from mother to fetus. Studies show that over 500 thousand infants are being infected of HIV during pregnancy and breast feed.

According to the Department of health (DOH) and the United Nation Children Education Fund (UNICEF) that most of the HIV Infected Individuals are teenagers aged 15-24.

UNICEF found out that the number of infected individuals which belongs on the said age group is increasing ten times, from 41 in 2007 up to 489 in 2010.

According to the HIV/AIDS registry 89% of HIV victims were taken from sexual intercourse. 75% of it are young women reported getting pregnant at least once after acquiring the disease.

“As the HIV positive adolescent is continually increasing, it will result to the rise of AIDS cases in the country.”  The head of DOH’s Epidemiology center Dr. Eric Tayag said.

“Out of 63 countries, the Philippines belong to the seven countries that have a large growth of HIV/AIDS infection by as much as 25% as of 2001-2009 consultation.”  He added.

It is through the modernization of technologies which causes the youth aged 15-29 engaged in casual sex by means of Social Networking Sites. Invitations of sexual activities are discovered by young people through the use of internet. According to Katerina Leyritana of Philippine General Hospital (PGH).

The Department of Health stated (DOH) stated that teenagers must be given of enough information about sexual reproductive health to prevent early pregnancy and as well as the spread of the virus.

Dr. Edsil Savana of the PGH Infectious disease department is informing everyone to be knowledgeable enough and to observe safety precautions against HIV/AIDS virus as it is rapidly spreading and already become an epidemic in the country.

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