Plague Inc Switches Sides, Works On Update Allowing World To Be Saved
PLAGUE INC SWITCHES SIDES – The most popular viral simulation game is having an update allowing players to save the world instead of destroying it.
Ever since the viral outbreak started, Plague Inc gained traction yet again as people gained interest in the disease. However, the developers, aren’t actually an evil organization focused on ending the world.
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Ndemic Creations donated a combined total of $250,000 to the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

Additionally, they said an update on the game is underway. Based on an article from The Star, the developers stated:
Eight years ago, I never imagined the real world would come to resemble a game of Plague Inc or that so many players would be using Plague Inc to help them get through an actual pandemic,
Furthermore, the developers are focusing their resources on a new game mode that is offered for free during this pandemic. As per the article, it’s an update that allows players to SAVE the world from a deadly viral outbreak.
Players will have to balance managing disease progression and boosting healthcare systems as well as controlling real-world actions such as triaging, quarantining, social distancing and closing of public services
Moreover, the developers have partnered with the World Health Organization and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Networks and other organizations during the development of the update.
Currently, the number of infected from the coronavirus had reached 471,044 worldwide. In addition, there have been 21,284 fatalities with 114,228 people recovering from the virus.
As such, with the current rising trend of the virus, experts said that it has yet reached its peak and would continue to rise in the following days.
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