Instagram To Allow Users Report Misinformed Posts
INSTAGRAM – The comapny behind Instagram recently announced that it added a feature which allow users to report deceptive posts.

According to GMA News, the company added a new tool on the Facebook-owned photo and video social media platform which lets users to tap a report option whenever they see a post that they see as a false information, then tags it in order for third-party fact-checkers to be prompted to review.
The said feature is sceduled to be accessible on the platform by the end of August. The said prompts will be one of the many “signs” utilized to know whether or not the content should be inspected by the fact-checkers.
Facebook spokesperson Stephanie Otway said that people now can let them know if there are content on the platform that they rendered false. Otway further added that they are currently investing seriously in reducing the spread of false info across the platforms.
As per the report, Facebook is currently cracking down on fake influencing campaigns and false posts as the pressure is pinned on these online platforms to guard against any instances on manipulating online conversations.
Posts that are reported by users on the photo and video platform but are not violating the sevice’s policies will not be removed. However, they will not appear on the “explore” page or hashtag searches when users are looking for content.
Otway further said that the explore and hashtag searches allow users to look for content they haven’t decided to follow yet and the report feature will filter misinformed posts away from these areas, thus, limiting its reach.
The feedback from the feature will be utilized in order to train artificial intelligence to scan and rate fake posts without the wait to report the said posts.
What do you think? How will you react to this? Let us know more about it.
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