Foods To Eat To Maintain A Healthy Blood-Sugar Level (Diabetes)

Here’s A List Of Foods You Should Consider If You’re Diabetic

FOODS TO EAT – One of the most common condition/disease in most adults is diabetes, making it a subject of many studies in the medicine field.

foods to eat
Photo taken from Medical News Today

There are so many prohibitions in a diabetic person’s diet. Especially sugary and sweet foods. Being prohibited to eat what you like could be a very bad experience, on top of other symptoms of diabetes.

In line with the prohibitions, here are the kinds of foods diabetic people should avoid eating.

With so many prohibitions, finding the best kinds of foods to eat can be difficult. (Especially, if you’re a picky eater!)

But with all the set conditions, the main objective is to identify the kinds of foods that can keep blood-sugar levels at a healthy level and under control.

To help with that, here are some foods that are best to eat for people whoa acquired diabetes (type1/type2):


Eggs decrease inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, increase your “good” HDL cholesterol levels and modify the size and shape of the “bad” LDL cholesterol in your body.

An actual study about this was also conducted with people who acquired type 2 diabetes consumed at least 2 eggs a day for a high-protein dietary program. Participants ended up having improvements in cholesterol and blood sugar levels.


Nuts are not only great past-time snacks but their also very nutritious.

Nuts contain high contents of fiber and are very low in digestible carbs. Some nuts however, have greater amounts of digestible carbs.


Many people have gotten themselves huge containers of apple cider vinegar after several health sites revealed its health benefits.

Although derived from apples, the sugar in the fruit has actually undergone processes to be fermented into acetic acid.

It has been found to help improve insulin sensitivity as well. Apple Cider Vinegar can also lower blood sugar response rate by up to 20% when it is consumed with carbohydrates-containing meals.


Being added into many dishes, the flavor-adding ingredient is also packed with healthy properties. It was shown to be great help in alleviating inflammations, blood sugar levels and LDL cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes.

These are just some of the healthy foods from the article posted by Healthline.

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