Student John Erick Ami was helped by the driver.
JOHN ERICK AMI – A student named John Erick Ami shared his inspiring encounter with a generous driver.
Recently, a post about John Erick’s encounter with a jeepney driver hooked the attention of the netizens on the online platform. He shared an unexpected experience while riding in a jeepney.
Based on the social media post of John Erick, he was on his way to school and he rode a jeepney. He said that when he was already in the vehicle, he could not find his wallet.
He said that he checked his bag and all his pockets but his wallet was not there.

According to him, he only had three pesos left in his pocket so he moved closer towards the driver. He asked him if it would be fine with him that he will only pay three pesos as he lost his wallet.
The driver answered him “ayan” in a loud way that sounds like he is mad and then he said, “Ayan ang maganda, yung nagsasabi kesa yung mga nanahimik tas hindi nag babayad.”
[That is good – telling the truth instead of keeping quiet and not paying.]
The netizen stated that when he handed the driver his three pesos, he handed him thirty pesos. The jeepney driver gave him money to make sure that he has money for his fare home.

Based on his post, he was teary during that time. He did not expect that the driver would give him some money and he really appreciated the man’s generous move.
The netizen stated that he thanked the driver when he got off the jeepney and he told him to be careful as he addressed him ‘anak’ or child.
The post went viral on the social media and has already reached more than fifty five thousand shares. Lots of netizens were touched by the story and expressed praises towards the generous driver.