LOOK! A Bungee Jump Went Horrifically Wrong

A bungee jump of a woman went horrifically wrong that she was unable to move after the jump.

BUNGEE – A woman who went bungee jumping faced an accident when the rope tied with her was too long.

Based on the report made by MSN News, the woman jumped out of the bridge yet instead of bouncing back, like the normal bungee jumping act, she slammed into the shallow part of the  water.

Addition to it, she had remarkably survived the jump without a single broken bone.

After the jump, two people situated on the side of the river rushed to her.

As mentioned in the report, according to the witnesses, she was unable to move but her eyes were open.

The horrible happening and the dangerous act took place in La Negra 2 bridge between the Santa Cruz and Cocabamba of the Central Bolivia.

As shown on the video, the people around her were even counting for her jump and they were all obviously excited, including the woman.

Shyrleny Ribera, was a witness for she was in the area with her family watching the stunt as she stated that the act is “not very common” on that area.

After a loud splash on the video, there were voices if she is just alright and saying that she seems not.

“We saw the lady jumping and for unknown reasons she ended up crashing against the river ground, as it was not deep enough,” Miss Ribera stated.

Ribera and family was the one who called for assistance in the nearest hospital.

Andean Trek is the company responsible for organizing such sports.  They have transferred the woman in a private clinic and said that the woman was eventually discharged after days. The company paid the bills.

Based on the report, her first analysis shows no bones that got broken but they were waiting for the 2nd one that is “deeper”. This is according to the statement of Oscar Sandoval, the director of the company.

He even said that it was the first time that it had happened to them and they were checking video for it was accordingly a  ‘human mistake’.


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