Astronomers have discovered another Earth-like planet.
ASTRONOMERS – The astronomers have found a rocky Earth-like planet outside the bounds of our solar system.
Based on a recent news report in Phil Star Global, the study in the journal Nature revealed that the Earth-like planet found by the astronomers is big, dense, and rocky.
In not more than a year, the recently-discovered Earth-like planet is the fifth planet outside the solar system that is possibly habitable for living creature. It is near the planet Earth. Its temperatures are appropriate for water.
Based on the news report, it was in 1995 when the first planet outside the bounds of the solar system was found out.
After that, lots of other planets were found out with the emergence of new techniques and the Kepler telescope of National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA which is really useful in hunting planets.
It is stated in the news report that 52 planets which can possibly hold life have been discovered. Moreover, the number of planets that was identified outside the solar system would not fall below 3, 600.
According to the news report, the recently-discovered life-possible planet is tagged as the LHS 1140b. Astronomers were able to know its mass and size as the said planet usually ‘p(–foul word(s) removed–) in front of its star’.
According to David Charbonneau, a Harvard astronomer and the study’s co-author, ‘this is the first planet’ that is known to be rocky. It was found with the help of eight small telescopes and ‘an amateur’ in the field of planet hunting.
“We found a planet that we can actually study that might be actually Earth-like,” the Harvard astronomer added based on the news report.
The Earth-like planet, in terms of mass, is more massive compared to the Earth. However, it is smaller than the planets Jupiter and Neptune. Its mass is 6.6 times of the planet Earth and it is 40% wider than the planet that we humans live in.