The room assignment for the March 2017 LET has been released by the PRC.
MARCH 2017 LET – The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has already released the room assignment for the highly anticipated Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers this March 2017.
The upcoming Teachers Board Exam will be conducted this March 2017 to several testing centers nationwide including the school in Occidental Mindoro.
Based on the official website of the PRC, all of those who are going to take the examination are instructed to report to the testing center before 6:30 in the morning as examinees who are late “will not be admitted.”
Moreover, LET exam takers are also instructed to bring their Notice of Admission or more commonly known as the NOA, their official receipt, black ball pens, window mailing envelope, pencils (either No. 1 or 2), long plastic envelope, and long brown envelope.
According to the PRC, electronic gadgets including mobile phones “are strictly prohibited” and LET examinees are instructed to “wear the prescribed dress code.”
Here is the list of the room assignment for Occidental Mindoro (Secondary):
Agriculture and Fishery Arts
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Biological Science
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Physical Sciences
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Social Studies
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The PRC has also released the room assignments for Tuguegarao and Tacloban Cities.