Scarborough Lagoon Declared By Duterte A ‘No Fishing Zone’
An executive order declaring Scarborough lagoon as a marine sanctuary and ‘no-fish zone’ will be issued by President Rodrigo Duterte, Esperon said during a press conference at the sidelines of the APEC summit.
On Sunday (November 20, 2016), National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon said during the sideline of the APEC summit that President Duterte will issue an executive order that will declare the lagoon on Scarborough Shoal as ‘No-fishing Zone.
The lagoon will be a restricted area, that will prohibit Chinese and Filipino fishermen to enter the lagoon for fishing. The president prohibits any fishermen to enter the area for fishing fishermen can still sue their livelihood at the periphery of Scarborough Shoal.
Duterte wants to protect the lagoon for it is a spawning area for fishes and other marine resources. It needs to be protected for small fishes and other sea species needs to be preserved for the future generation.
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