12 Fruits for New Year’s Eve & their Meaning

Here’s List of Fruits for New Year’s Eve & What They Signify

12 FRUITS FOR NEW YEAR’S EVE – You can check here the meaning of the fruits you can prepare for the New Year’s eve.

Are you excited to start planning for the Christmas and New Year’s eve? You might be one of those Filipinos who hold the Christmas and New Year traditions close to your heart. Aside from the New Year games, do you want to prepare 12 fruits on the NYE table?

New Year
Photo Credit: Makati Medical Center

There are countless fruits that you can choose from. However, it is actually best to choose fruits based on their significance. Below, you can check on the meanings of each fruit so it would be easier to decide or at least be aware of what they are believed to attract.

Undeniably, most of the 12 Fruits for New Year’s Eve including the apple. It is known that green apples signify money while the red ones mean good luck. Meanwhile, having both is believed to attract peace and safety.

12 Fruits for New Year's Eve
Photo Courtesy of Owlcation

The watermelon is believed as a symbol of luck and prosperity in the Chinese culture. It also means health, love, and a sweet life.

Do you want to have lemons on your New Year’s eve dinner table? It means purification, optimism, and a fresh start.

Are you one of those who love to each lychee? It can also be one of the fruits in your dinner table for the New Year’s eve. It means good fortune and happiness.

Pineapple means “fortunate” in Chinese. This fruit is known to signify wealth, success, and prosperity in Feng Shui.

The pomegranate signify life and good fortune. Ancient Geeks believed that the ruby-like seeds of the pomegranate symbolize abundance — probably because of the abundance of the seeds.

Also one of the 12 Fruits for New Year’s Eve that you can have in the dinner table is the avocado. Aside from being a nutritious food, the green and violet colors of this fruit is believed to symbolize prosperity.

Grapes mean luxury probably because this is the fruit that royalties usually eat. This fruit also means success.

The 12 Fruits for New Year’s Eve also usually include banana but not everyone knows the significance of this fruit. It symbolize happiness and satisfaction.

Many Filipinos also usually have oranges in the dinner table on New Year’s eve. This fruit means coins, fullness, and good luck. In the Chinese tradition, oranges are believed to bring good health.

You may also have papaya as one of the 12 fruits for New Year’s eve. Like the orange, it also means gold in in the Chinese tradition. This fruit symbolizes new beginnings, luck, harmony, and good fortune. It is suggested that you choose the papaya with the roundest shape.

Do you like to have mango in your New Year’s eve table? This fruit is associated to wishes coming true as well as increasing love and friendship.

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