Private Security Personnel Allowed to Wear Summer Special Uniforms 

PNP-SOSIA Approves Wear of Summer Special Uniforms for Private Security Personnel

The PNP – Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies allowed private security personnel to wear summer special uniforms. 

Extreme summer heat can be dangerous, affecting both health and daily life in many ways. One of the biggest risks is heat stroke, which happens when the body overheats and can lead to confusion, dizziness, or even loss of consciousness. Heat exhaustion is also common, causing heavy sweating, weakness, nausea, and headaches. 

Recently, PNP-SOSIA has approved the use of summer special uniforms for private security personnel assigned to outdoor areas due to the risks posed by extreme heat. The announcement elicited comments from the online community. 

Private Security Personnel

Based on the resolution of the Uniform and Equipment Board, along with warnings from the Department of Health (DOH) and PAG-ASA, the current heat index is at dangerous levels. Prolonged exposure can lead to heat exhaustion and even heat stroke, making it important to take precautionary measures. 

To ensure the safety of security personnel, Private Security Service Providers must first secure a Letter of Authority before implementing the summer uniform. The request will undergo review by the Uniform and Equipment Board to ensure compliance with standards. 

The use of these special uniforms will only be permitted while the heat index remains at hazardous levels. Once conditions return to normal, security personnel will be required to switch back to their standard uniforms. 

Private Security Personnel

The temporary adjustment aims to protect security guards from extreme heat while allowing them to perform their duties efficiently. Authorities emphasize the importance of adapting to weather conditions to prioritize the health and well-being of those working under the sun. 

The summer special uniform is a lighter, more breathable version of their standard uniform, designed for hot weather conditions. It helps prevent heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, especially for those assigned to outdoor duties. 

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