Pres. Bongbong Marcos Issues Statement on Rizal Day
BONGBONG MARCOS – The Philippine President called on the Filipinos to embody the ideals of Dr. Jose Rizal.
Today is a holiday in the Philippines as the Filipinos commemorate the death anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal, the national hero of the country. He was shot on December 30, 1896 in Bagumbayan which is now the Rizal Park or Luneta.

Rizal is known as the Filipino hero who fought for the freedom of the country from the foreign colonization through his writings. He wrote the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which are both part of the Philippine curriculum.
Thus, many Filipinos are already familiar with the characters in Dr. Jose Rizal’s book Noli Me Tangere. Every Rizal Day, the president and the vice president usually issues a statement for the Filipino people.

Recently, Pres. Bongbong Marcos issued a statement on Rizal Day. Based on a report on GMA News, the Chief Executive called on the Filipinos to embody the ideals of Dr. Jose Rizal.

“As we remember his noble works and honorable life, let us take to heart his words and ideals that awakened the consciousness of our forebears and stirred a national movement for freedom,” the President said.
Pres. Bongbong Marcos led the laying of wreath ceremony at Luneta Park in commemoration of the 128th anniversary of the death of the Philippine national hero. Based on the report, he expressed his hope for solemn remembrance of the death anniversary of the hero.
Marcos Jr. encourage the Filipinos to look back on Dr. Jose Rizal’s love of country, commitment for the betterment of the Filipinos, and dedication to the truth. He also stressed the value of the change from within.
“Truly, it is through Dr. Rizal’s works that one can realize that true change can begin within us,” Marcos said.
Pres. Bongbong Marcos called on the Filipinos to make decisions that resemble the resolve of the hero. Aside from the Chief Executive, Vice Pres. Sara Duterte also issued a statement on Rizal Day.