Ria Atayde Prepares For Motherhood, Shares Pregnancy Experience

Motherhood is a wonderful journey and this is what Ria Atayde shared about her experience.

ABS-CBN actress Ria Atayde is expecting a baby boy and here’s what she said about her journey to being a mother.

The journey to motherhood is a bumpy one – literally and figuratively. It is exhausting, inspiring, soul-sucking and purposeful. It’s confusing like you want to question everything but at the same time, knowing the answer.

As for actress Ria Atayde who is expecting a baby boy with her husband Zanjoe Marudo, she shared that one of the biggest help she’s been doing is working out. This is something she would advice pregnant woman to do. She works out five times a week as according to her, she is the “tabain” type and should she not do this, she’ll become bigger.

Just like the other women, she also went through struggles in pregnancy like the morning sickness. There’s been a lot going on and she’s just thankful that she’s finally over this phase.

She can’t tell much about this new chapter in her life but what she knows is that she is going to be a hands-on mother. She has her friends and her family to support her and it’s this support system that is important in this journey.

“I have a lot of people who’s been very supportive throughout this journey and I think that’s super important that I have a good support system,” she said.

If she is to heed one piece of advice, one that she would take she hopes to happen is to become a “padede” mom. This is her mother’s advice for her and she hopes that this will happen. The goal is to become a “padede” mom.

Last March, Zanjoe and Ria got married. Three months after this, they announced their pregnancy and for their first pregnancy, they are having a baby boy.

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