Elvis Gutierrez Makes Touching Vow For Two Daughters

Here’s what Elvis Gutierrez promised his daughters.

Elvis Gutierrez, son of actors Annabelle Rama and Eddie Gutierrez has this promise to his two daughters with his late wife.

Alexa Gutierrez, wife of Elvis Gutierrez died due to cancer leaving their family in deep grief with her untimely passing. She had leukemia, the disease that led to her being deceased.

In a previous article, Elvis’ eulogy for his wife went viral and touched many hearts as he recalled the vivid memories he has of their love story.

“Her faith was as strong as ever until her last, last, last glimpse of life,” said Elvis who shared that one lesson he learned from her was to never lose hope. They have two daughters and as Elvis navigates a life without the woman he’s been with for many years, he made a promise to their daughters.

In a post on Instagram, he shared a photo of the three of them and in the caption, he expressed that he will always be with them in this journey called life with the guidance of their mother who is now in the heavens.

See below:

In his eulogy, now that it’s just the three of them, he expressed his intention to raise their two girls the same as how his late wife was: positive, empowering, and loving.

He admitted that in the time where he fought for her life in a losing battle against cancer, he lost his faith. But seeing how faithful his wife remained despite her situation made him think otherwise. He could not even utter the words “thank you, Lord” before amid their situation but his wife made him.

He learned to be faithful again because of her. To recall, Ruffa Gutierrez announced Alexa’s death.

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