Sarah Geronimo Marks Birthday w/ Prayer for Typhoon Carina-Victims

Sarah Geronimo Turns 36, Prays for Carina-Hit Fellowmen

Sarah Geronimo marked her birthday with a prayer for the victims of Typhoon Carina and praises for the rescuers who risk their lives to save humans and animals.

Typhoon Carina has greatly lashed out in several areas in the Philippines most especially in Luzon. Currently, the National Capital Region (NCR) is under a State of Calamity as declared by the Metro Manila Council.

Typhoon Carina Flooding
Photo from Inquirer

The typhoon brought heavy rains and strong winds as it passed by the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR). Prior to its entry to PAR, it was eyed to have the capacity to be a super typhoon. It damaged houses and livelihoods in the country. The wrath of the natural calamity also took the lives of many people.

Typhoon Carina exited the PAR on Thursday leaving countless Filipino families losing their homes and their sources of living. With the natural calamity in time for her birthday, actress-singer Sarah Geronimo marked her special day with a prayer for the victims of the typhoon.

Sarah Geronimo

In a social media post, Sarah Geronimo began by expressing her gratitude for the gift of life and the people who make it colorful and special. According to her, as she celebrates her birthday, her heart goes out for the people affected by Typhoon Carina.

Sarah stated that she is praying for all the victims of the typhoon who are currently trying to recover from the impacts of the natural calamity. She also lauded the brave members of the rescue teams who continue to risk their lives for the safety of everyone including animals.

According to Sarah Geronimo, she has high respect for her fellowmen who do not abandon their pets despite the risks posted by the typhoon. She stressed that the bravery, service, and goodness of the rescuers are inspiring and they are the real heroes.

Sarah G raised a call to continue pray for one another and to support the on-going relief operations for the victims of Typhoon Carina. She stressed that all the efforts and donations go a long way. The actress-singer ended her post telling everyone to take care.

Several areas in the Philippines are under a State of Calamity now due to Typhoon Carina. Members of the SSS may turn to calamity loans for assistance as they recover from the impacts of the storm.

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