Bongbong Marcos Calls for National Flood Control Plan Following Carina’s Wrath

Pres. Bongbong Marcos Wants PH Prepared for Next Flood

BONGBONG MARCOS – The President is calling for a national flood control plan following the wrath of Typhoon Carina in the Philippines.

Typhoon Carina brought heavy rains and strong winds in several areas in the Philippines in the past few days. Those triggered the southwest monsoon or the habagat leaving several areas in the country under a state of calamity.

Typhoon Carina
Photo Source: @justsarahgph IG

Thousands of Filipino families were evacuated for their safety amid the onslaught of Typhoon Carina in the country. Countless people lost their homes and livelihood to the natural disaster.

The Metro Manila Council declared the National Capital Region (NCR) under a State of Calamity due to the extent of the impact of Typhoon Carina. It brought deep flooding in several areas.

Typhoon Carina
Photo Credit: Inquirer / Grig C. Montegrande
Bongbong Marcos
Photo from Inquirer

Following the wrath of Typhoon Carina that left several areas in the country in deep flooding, Pres. Bongbong Marcos called for a national flood control plan during a situation briefing in Mauban, Quezon.

Based on a report on GMA News, Marcos encourgaed preparation for the next flood citing that Typhoon Carina is the first calamity in the La Niña season and there is still a long way to go. He stressed that there were places that were marked safe from flood but it is not the case now and it must be determined why it changed.

“Saan nanggaling ang tubig, saan dumaan? Anong gagawin natin para harangin ‘yan, at least impound,” the President said.

Pres. Bongbong Marcos stressed that the water does not recognize a boundary and there must be a national flood control plane. Based on the report, the Chief Executive said that the flood control projects must not be within three to five regions only.

Marcos emphasized that the current flood control projects are based on the flooded areas in the past and the areas have changed. He believes that the flow of the water must be studied anew and managed to avoid future flooding.

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