Kind Netizen Treats Elderly Vendor & Grandchild to Meal at Fast-Food Chain

Kind Netizen Earns Praise for Showing Compassion to an Elderly Vendor

A kind netizen earns praise and admiration online for treating an elderly vendor and his grandchild to a meal at a fast-food chain.

Recently, a TikTok user ‘queenchivss’ shared a touching moment when an elderly vendor and his grandchild were treated to a meal by a compassionate stranger. The post garnered various reactions from the online community.

In the video, the elderly vendor and his young grandchild are seen enjoying a meal inside a Jollibee restaurant. The netizen who recorded the video, initially just wanting to help, ended up sharing it with the hope of inspiring others.

Kind Netizen

The kind netizen notices the elderly man sitting on the floor near a table, clearly exhausted. Seeing his fatigue, the customer offered their own seat to the vendor.

Despite initially not wanting to film the interaction, her companion encouraged them to film the moment, thinking it might draw more attention to the elderly man’s situation and potentially lead to more help.

Realizing that the elderly vendor and his grandchild needed food, the netizen ordered meals for both of them. It was later revealed that the elderly man had been selling sandals to make ends meet and frequently visited the fast-food restaurant.

Sometimes, his wife would accompany him, and the vendor’s exhausting day was apparent to those around him.

The customer’s kind act of generosity at a fast-food restaurant reminds us all of the power of compassion in our daily lives.

Kind Netizen

Here is the full post:

“Kumakain kami sa Jollibee tapos pumasok si Tatay. Naupo sya sa sa gilid sa lapag. Binigay ko sa kanya yung upuan ko kasi kitang kita ko yung pagod nya.

Actually ayokong magvideo pero yung kasama ko, sya yung nagvideo nito sabi na baka sakaling may ibang makakita kay Tatay at makaencounter sya at matulungan din.

Inorderan ko sya ng pagkain nya tapos lumapit sakin yung kasama ko sabi nya may kasama pa daw si Tatay na bata baka apo daw nya yon. Kaya dalawang order ginawa ko.

Nagbebenta pala siya ng tsinelas, lagi pala sya don sa Jollibee minsan asawa nya kasama nya.

Iniisip ko mga oras na to kung gaano sya kapagod buong araw mag alok ng tsinelas tapos walang bumibili sa kanya.”

In another post, a taho vendor carries his child along w/ heavy container while earning living

The social media users expressed their reactions to the video:

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