35-year-old Man Reveals Secret for Looking Young

Man Often Mistaken as Teenager Is Actually Aged 35

A 35-year-old man named Brandon Miles May from Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A revealed the secret behind his youthful look.

Undeniably, not only women nowadays care a lot about their physical appearance and health. Countless people across genders are in the pursuit of maintaining a youthful look. Most often, they turn to anti-ageing products. But it is not the same in the case of Brandon Miles.

Brandon Miles May

Brandon Miles May is a content creator from Detroit, Michigan in the United States. He started young in taking an extra mile to maintain his youthful look. Through the videos he posted online, he shared about his secrets and journey to staying young-looking.

According to Brandon, he was only 13 years old when he started a lifestyle of not staying long under the sun. He would wear a black hoodie to cover his face from the ray of the sun and he would also put some protective covering on his hands.

Brandon Miles May

The anti-ageing pursuit of the 35-year-old man includes a specific diet. He is into eating fruits, fish, and plant-based food. He avoids sweet foods, carbohydrates sources, and beans. He is also into drinking green tea.


Meanwhile, despite his strict diet, the 35-year-old man does not totally deny himself o treats. According to Brandon, he also eats chocolates everyday but it must be 92% to 100% thus it’s really “super bitter”.

Aside from being a content creator, Brandon Miles May is an owner of a medical communications business. Although he invested a lot of efforts to maintain a youthful look, he stressed that he is not doing it to really live long but to stay healthy.

Brandon said that he wants to feel good and part of feeling young is looking young. He stressed that it is about maintaining his health. With regards to physical exercises, he does not engage in intense workouts.

According to the 35-year-old man who is often mistaken as a teenager, too much exercise can stress the body and can cause it to age. He is into taking walks, doing yoga, and some strength-training exercises.

Man Looking Young

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