Seaman Treats Friends, Bar Waiters for “Despedida” but Got Angry, Refused To Pay Php84K Bill

Seaman Involved in Bar Incident with Waiter

SEAMAN – An unnamed man reportedly treated his friends and the bar staff for his “despedida” but refused to pay the bill when it reached Php 84,000.

Seafarers live with the truth that they have to be away from their families and friends most months of the year for work. Thus, what most seafarers usually do before embarking on another contract is to spend time with their families and friends over food and drinks. It is called “despedida”.


However, recently, there are reports about a seaman who got involved in a bar incident when he had an “open bar treat” for his despedida. Based on a report on Pep, the man behind the alias name Adrian is set for another contract and he invited his friends for some drinks and good time over food.

However, the bill reached Php 84,000 and the incident led the man to getting angry. He got into a brawl with a waiter and was arrested by the police authorities. The waiter gave a statement on what happened.

Seaman Despedida

According to the waiter of a resto bar located along Ramon Magsaysay Street in Sampaloc, Manila, the seaman arrived at the bar and said that he will have some drinks with his friends. He allotted a Php 15,000 budget for it.

Furthermore, the man also told the waiter that he and another waiter can also have their drinks. However, according to the waiter, even after the bill reached Php 15,000, the seaman kept on making orders at the resto bar. It reached Php 21,000 and went more.

Based on the article, the man and the waiter agreed that he will pay for his bill between 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. According to the bar staff, the bill was at Php 70,000 by 1:00 a.m. and it reached Php 83,480 by 3:00 a.m.

The bar staff went to the seaman for the payment but the man got angry reportedly thinking that the waiter may be thinking that he cannot pay for the bill. It led to a brawl and the staff of the resto bar sought the help of the Sampaloc Police Station.

The police authorities arrested the man and the woman that he was with. She explained that he just asked her for a date. Charges are set to be filed against the seaman and the woman that he was with.

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