NAIA 3 Airport Cleaner Awarded with Certificate of Commendation for Good Deed
AIRPORT CLEANER – Rosalinda Cellero returned the 10,000 U.S. Dollars that she found at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3.
The airports in the Philippines are among the busiest places. Undeniably, it is also the place where many lost-and-found situations usually take place. Unfortunately, in some cases, some people only lost their belongings and never found it again. On the other side, there are still honest people.

Recently, an airport cleaner at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 brought the faith of countless people back to humanity. Rosalinda Cellero returned the money she found inside a pair of socks under the chairs at the airport.
Based on an article on Pep, when she found out that the socks have something inside, Rosalinda brought the pair of socks to the Lost and Found Section of the airport. When checked, 202 pieces of U.S. Dollars were found inside the socks.

If converted to Philippine Peso, the amount of the money found inside the pair of socks is almost a million. The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) said that they have reviewed the CCTV footage to establish what happened behind the incident and to determine the owner of the money.
Currently, it has yet to be determined how the unidentified passenger was able to bring in the said huge amount of money through the airport security X-Ray without it getting detected. Under the rules of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, a flight passenger is only allowed to bring a maximum of US$10,000 (PHP588,250.00) in a hand-carry luggage.
Rosalinda Cellero, the 41-year-old airport cleaner who found the money, is an employee of Dear John Services Incorporated deployed under the MIAA. Based on the article, she was given the Certificate of Commendation for the honesty that she has shown.
The airport cleaner is the 21st airport employee to receive the said appreciation for airport workers who remain committed to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. In case no one will claim the money found, it will be turned over to the National Treasury at a set time.
“Her action is a testament to the values we uphold in NAIA. Truly, there are angels in our midst,” MIAA General Manager Eric Jose Ines said.