Honest Airport Cleaner Turns in Socks Stuffed w/ Nearly P1 Million in Cash

Honest Airport Cleaner Finds Nearly P1 Million in Cash Stuffed Inside Socks

ACT OF HONESTY – An honest airport cleaner earns praise online for returning socks stuffed with nearly P1 million in cash.

The hardworking cleaner at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3 in Manila identified as Rosalinda Celero, garnered praise and admiration from the online community for displaying an act of honesty and integrity.

On Thursday morning (June 20, 2024), Celero was sweeping under a chair commonly used by passengers to put their shoes back on, her dustpan got stuck on something bulky. She found a pair of dirty socks stuffed with a whopping 202 pieces of dollar bills.

Honest Airport Cleaner

Initially, Celero did not notice the cash inside the socks as she simply swept them up. It was only when the socks got caught in her dustpan that she realized the hidden treasure within. Upon closer inspection, she found dollar bills of various denominations inside.

Without hesitation, the honest cleaner immediately brought the socks containing the cash to the NAIA Terminal 3 lost and found section. An inventory conducted by the authorities revealed that the dollar bills were estimated to be worth over P1 million.

The Manila International Airport Authority is currently reviewing CCTV footage in an attempt to identify the owner of the socks and the unintended cash windfall.

Honest Airport Cleaner

Authorities have no idea as to how the unidentified passenger managed to slip through airport security with such a large amount of cash. Passengers are only allowed to carry a maximum of $10,000 in their hand-carry luggage, according to the rules and regulations of Bangko Sentral.

Celero’s actions serve as a shining example of the importance of ethical conduct, even in the face of temptation or personal gain.

In a similar post, an honest citizen returns lost cellphone to respective owner

The social media users expressed their reactions to her act of honesty:

Honest Airport Cleaner

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