Woman Unaware of Her Pregnancy Gives Birth at Eat-All-You-Can Restaurant

Surprise Birth at Restaurant After Woman Didn’t Know She Was Pregnant

A woman who was unaware of her pregnancy gave birth to a healthy baby boy at an eat-all-you-can restaurant.

The 26-year-old Tayvia Woodfork unexpectedly gave birth to a healthy baby boy at a Golden Corral restaurant in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Tayvia had no idea she was even pregnant until going into labor.

The Woodfork family had stopped at the buffet restaurant for a meal while traveling home to Mississippi. Tayvia suddenly experienced severe stomach pains and rushed to the restroom, thinking it was just cramps.


However, her mother Tameka grew worried when Tayvia didn’t return after 10 minutes. Upon checking on her daughter, Tameka discovered that Tayvia was 37 weeks pregnant and in active labor.

“She said, ‘I ain’t never seen nothing like it. It’s a baby!’” Tameka said.

Paramedics were called, and right there in the restaurant bathroom, Tayvia delivered a 6-pound baby boy. “They were clapping when she came out on the stretcher, everybody wants to see the Golden Corral baby,” Tameka added.


The family named the newborn Tamaar Kylon Corral Woodfork, incorporating the restaurant’s name where he unexpectedly arrived. Golden Corral also provided baby essentials and gift cards to the family.

“And don’t worry, we’ll make sure Mom is well taken care of with Golden Corral gift cards … while she’s taking care of you,” the restaurant state.


Tayvia had experienced a rare “cryptic pregnancy,” where she had no noticeable pregnancy symptoms and was unaware of her condition until going into labor. This phenomenon can happen due to irregular periods, lack of physical changes, or even denial.

The surprise birth quickly became a viral sensation, with restaurant staff and customers celebrating the extraordinary event. Tameka proudly shared that her grandson, dubbed the “Golden Corral baby,” had already gained celebrity status in the community.

In a similar story, a pregnant woman gives birth to baby girl at “bangka” in Basilan

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