Family w/ 15 Children Survives on Soy Sauce and Salt Due to Poverty

Family w/ 15 Children Perseveres Despite Hardships, Soy Sauce and Salt Become Meals

A family with 15 children is struggling to survive due to extreme poverty, regularly consuming soy sauce and salt.

The couple Mary Ann and Edito, are striving to provide for their 15 children amid financial constraints. Edito works as a mechanic, but his irregular income often falls short of sustaining their large household.

The situation has forced the family to resort to unconventional means to ease their hunger. On days when their resources are severely limited, a mere serving of soy sauce and salt or a single cup of coffee becomes their only source of nourishment.


Feeling fortunate if they can manage two meals a day, the family has even resorted to collecting water from the sea due to their inability to afford potable water.

Among their 15 children, only three; Mary Jane, 12, Ella, 11, and Junior, 8, are currently attending school, all of whom have just recently completed kindergarten together.

Mary Ann remains determined to ensure her children’s education continues despite the challenges they face.


In a heartbreaking video, the family is seen sharing a single cup of coffee and a can of food as their meal. Mary Ann carefully rations the children’s milk supply to make it last until their next opportunity to purchase more.

The desperate mother even takes her children to a local feeding program organized by a community group. The children gratefully share a portion of monggo (mung bean stew) and rice provided by the program, a rare opportunity for them to enjoy a nutritious meal.

Despite the hardships, the family of 17 remains steadfast in their determination to survive and provide a better future for their children.

The story serves as a reminder of the harsh realities faced by countless families living in poverty, where even basic necessities like food and water can become luxuries.

Previously, young children prepare simple surprise for dad on its birthday despite poverty

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