Chiz Escudero Reacts To “Waiter” Issue When FL Liza Marcos Did This

Netizens commented that Sen. Chiz Escudero became a waiter

Senate President Chiz Escudero reacted to the “waiter” issue because of a viral video showing that First Lady Liza Marcos took a sip from the glass wine that he was holding.

This unexpected scenario happened during the Vin d’Honneur (wine of honor) at the Malacañan Palace on Wednesday, based on the article in Inquirer. A portion of the event went viral.

It can be seen in the viral video that First Lady Liza entered the room with her husband President Bongbong Marcos where everyone was waiting for them. The President shook the hand of the Senate President.

Chiz Escudero
Photo from Inquirer

Then, the First Lady stopped in front of the Senate President, took the wine glass he was holding, and took a sip. Then, she returned the glass to the Senator.

It can be seen that Sen. Chiz Escudero chuckled when FL Liza Marcos did that. A man at the back handed a new glass of wine to the wife of the President. This viral moment received different interpretations from netizens.

chiz escudero liza marcos
📷: Abogado

Among the most common comments was that Sen. Chiz was treated like a waiter. On Thursday, the Senate President was asked about this issue. ”I consider waiting on a lady (first or otherwise) to be gentlemanly,” he responded.

The Senator also said that people might have looked at that scenario with negative connotations but for him, it was a display of being a gentleman.

Maaaring sabihin ng iba na maka-luma o parang ‘under’ pero para sakin, hindi kailanman magiging maka-luma o di uso, ano man ang itawag ng iba, ang pagiging maginoo at pakikipag-kapwa tao…” Sen. Chiz Escudero said.

He added that for him, it is not a negative thing to be a gentleman to a “ginang o binibini” in whatever opportunity there is.

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