Guide on Prayer for Blacl Saturday w/c You Can Follow In Your Devotion
PRAYER FOR BLACK SATURDAY – Here are five (5) calming devotions that you can pray as you await the resurrection day.
It is Holy Week once again and countless people are deeply observing the church activities and contemplating on the death of Jesus Christ to save mankind from sins. Many are spending most of their time in prayers and you might be looking for a prayer for Black Saturday.

Black Saturday, also called Holy Saturday, is the day between the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross and His resurrection. Countless people are in deep sorrow for the Son of God has died but also hopeful for His resurrection from the dead.
Below, you can find prayers for Black Saturday which you and your loved ones can recite in devotion as you await the rising of the Son of God from death.

Prayer #1
Lord Jesus, we are deeply sorry for all that You had to endure to save us from our sins. We are humbled by the unfathomable love of the Heavenly Father Who sent His only Son to redeem the world. You were dead and buried which, not one, is worthy of You. You have saved us not only from our sins but our fears, transgressions, and all that ills our being. We take consolation that a seed dies when it is planted and we are looking forward to your resurrection, your victory from death and sins.
Prayer #2
Oh Lord Jesus, our hearts are heavily in sorrow for Your death to save us from our sins but also humbled and grateful that, because of the Heavenly Father’s love, Your love, and Your obedience to His will, what awaits us is no longer eternal death but everlasting life. We await your resurrection and we are happy to meet you once again as we continue to open our hearts for your coming. Oh Lord Jesus, please live in our hearts forever. Never let us go astray regardless of what the future holds.
Prayer #3
Heavenly Father, You have sent your One and Only Son to redeem the world. He never deserved all the pains and sufferings that He had gone through but Your love and His love for us kept Him on the cross until His death. We declare victory over death and sins but, much more than it, we hugely apologize for all our sins that pierced Him on the cross. We seek your guidance to live a Holy life and to be steadfast and strong against sins that continue to pain You and Your Son. We ask you for strength, compassion, and faith to overcome all the challenges and struggles that this world offers.
Prayer #4
Oh Lord Jesus, You were not only not spared from the bitterness and cruelty of the world and the debt of our sins but You experienced pains and sufferings that no mortal can bear alive. We are deeply sorry for all that You had to go through to save us from eternal death. We thank You for your great love that help you in the cross and how You lovingly and obediently followed the will of the Father. We look forward to Your rising from the dead and the time that we can be with You in paradise.
Prayer #5
Oh Heavenly Father, your tremenduous love for mankind had Your will of offerring Your One and Only Begotten Son to die on the Cross. Our hearts are in deep sorrow for what Jesus Christ had to endure in the hands of man to save us from our own sins. Your big love has brought us eternal life and we could never thank You enough for not letting go of us no matter what. We pray that You continue to guide us in Your path as we renew our faith and continue to live in us that, someday, we may be with You in paradise.