SSS Death Claim — A Guide on Benefits for Beneficiaries of Deceased Member

SSS DEATH CLAIM – You can check here a guide on the benefits for the beneficiaries of a deceased member of the Social Security System.

Countless Filipinos are in a constant pursuit to maintain an active account to the Social Security System. One of the benefits that these members may qualify for is the SSS Death Claim which may benefit not only the member but as well as his/her beneficiaries.

SSS Death Benefits for Beneficiaries of Deceased Members — Here’s What You Should Know…

Guide on SSS Death Benefits Beneficiaries of Deceased Members Are Entitled To

Here are the SSS Death benefits for the beneficiaries of qualified deceased members of the Social Security System.

In the Philippines, millions of Filipinos coming from different employment status are members of the Social Security System. A state-run social insurance giant, it has been in the service of the Filipino people since 1957 when it was founded through the passage of the Republic Act No. 1161 or better known as the Social Security Act of 1954.

Most of the member populace of the SSS are individuals coming from the private sector as it is mandated by most private companies and businesses in the country. An SSS membership is mandated among the following:

  • all employers in the private sector who are not over 60 years of age
  • all employees in the private sector who are not over 60 years of age
  • all self-employed individuals are subject to a mandatory coverage under the Regular Self-Employed Program for artists, proprietors, entertainers, and professionals
  • farmers and fishermen
  • sea-based and land-based overseas Filipino workers (OFWs)

The Social Security System has also opened its doors for voluntary memberships. Non-working spouses of SSS members may apply for a voluntary membership to the state-run social insurance agency.

To maintain an active and updated account to the SSS in the pursuit of maintaining qualifications to the benefits and loans offered by the state-run social insurance giant, a member must regularly post the monthly contribution.

The monthly contribution depends on the rates set by the Social Security System. In the case of employed individuals, the contribution rate is usually automatically deducted by the employer and remitted to the state-run entity. The employer pays a share of the contributions of the employees.

One of the benefits offered by the Social Security System is the SSS Death Benefit. This provides a peace of mind to the member that in case of his/her demise, his/her family or dependents will not be left with nothing.

The SSS Death Benefit also provides an assurance to the family or beneficiaries of the member that they will have something to turn to. This is most beneficial if the deceased member is the breadwinner or the sole earner in the family.

If the deceased member has posted at least 36 monthly contributions prior to his or her death, his/her beneficiaries will be entitled to an SSS Death Pension and several other benefits.

SSS Death Pension

The primary beneficiary of an SSS member is his/her spouse and the dependent children or those who are 21 years old and below and those who have disabilities.

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