Steps To Request PSA Birth Certificate via Walk-In Process
REQUEST PSA BIRTH CERTIFICATE – Here are the steps in requesting for a Philippine Statistics Authority copy of your Birth Certificate.
Nowadays, many entities request a PSA-copy of the Birth Certificate from their clients as part of the requirements in a transaction. It is issued by the Philippine Statistics Authoritity which is the national statistician in the country.

It is also the Philippine Statistics Authority that issues Death Certificate, Marriage Certificate, and the CENOMAR or the Certificate of No Marriage. Together with the Birth Certificate, these are among the most important documents.
The Birth Certificate is needed in processing a new passport application. It is also one of the requirements for the passport renewal. You may request for the document from PSA online or over-the-counter via a walk-in process.

Here are the steps to request PSA Birth Certificate through a walk-in application:
Step 1 — Book an appointment slot at the PSA Online Appointment System. You will have to pick a date, time, and the PSA CRS Outlet where you wish to personally apply for your request or where an authorized representative will make the request for you.
Step 2 — Go to your chosen PSA CRS Outlet on your scheduled or appointment time and date to process the requestt.
Step 3— Present the CRS Appointment Slip (printed or digital copy) to the Information Marshal to be validated.
Step 4 — Get Application Form (AF) and Queue Ticket Number (QTN). Accomplish the Application Form.
Step 5 — Prepare the PSA Birth Certificate Fee. Submit the fee together with the accomplished Applucation Form, QTN, valid IDs, Authorization Letter for PSA birth certificate request /Special Power of Attorney (SPA) and all supporting documents to the transacting window for screening and payment.
Step 6 — Check the Official Receipt (OR) and count your change if there is any.
Step 7 — Go to the Releasing Area on the scheduled date and time of release.
Step 8 — Present and submit the OR, valid IDs, Authorization Letter/SPA and all supporting documents to the Releasing Officer.
Step 9 — Check the correctness and completeness of the received document.
The PSA clients are advised to be at the PSA CRS outlet at least 30 minutes before the appointment schedule. Don’t forget to bring valid IDs that match your name in the Birth Certificate.
If you have a busy schedule, you may also request for a PSA Birth Certificate online through the PSA Helpline. You can have the document delivered right at your doorstep.