How To File SSS Death Claim — A Guide for the Beneficiaries

Steps on How To File SSS Death Claim for Pension / Lump Sum

HOW TO FILE SSS DEATH CLAIM – Here are the steps in applying for an SSS Death Benefit to the Social Security System.

In the Philippines, a lot of people enjoy the peace of mind that, somehow, their families will have something to turn to in case they pass away because of their membership to the Social Security System. More popularly called SSS, it is a social insurance giant in the country.

The SSS is in the service of the Filipino people for decades already. It helps its members prepare for the future by saving on a monthly basis which they can turn to during their senior years under the Retirement Benefit.

In the event that the member passed away and he/she has yet to get back all his/her savings and the dividends it has earned through the years, his/her dependents may be eligible for a monthly pension or a lump sum under the SSS Death Benefit offer.

The SSS Death Benefit claim may be filed by the primary beneficiaries which include the spouse and the children of the member or by the parents if the member is single and has no child. In case both parents have passed away, it may be granted to the legal heir of the member.

How to file for SSS Death claim? There are only a few steps in filing your claim under the SSS Death Benefit offer:

Step 1 — Ensure your eligibility to file the claim. The Social Security System grants the claim based on the following order:

  • Primary Beneficiaries — legal spouse (until he/she remarries) and dependent children who are 21 years old and below, unemployed and single

Step 2 — Prepare the requirements. There are some documents that you need to prepare for submission to the Social Security System to file the claim.

SSS Death Claim Requirements

Step 3 — File your Claim. Go to a branch of the Social Security System and submit your documents. It will take a few weeks for the processing of the release of the grant. Wait for an update from the state-run social insurance institution.

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