SSS Death Claim 2024 — A Guide for Deceased Member’s Beneficiaries

SSS DEATH CLAIM 2024 – You can check the details below for the process in filing for a claim following the death of a Social Security System member.

The benefits of the Social Security System do not only cover the members. It may also extend to the family or dependents of a member just like the SSS Death Claim that the beneficiaries may turn to following an SSS member’s passing.

SSS Death Benefit 2024 — How To Apply & the Requirements You Must Prepare

Guide on SSS Death Benefit 2024 Application Process

SSS DEATH BENEFIT 2024 – Here’s a guide on how to apply for the Social Security System Death Benefit that beneficiaries of deceased members may claim.

Have you heard about the SSS Death Benefit offer of the Social Security System? While death is something that most people want to avoid as we are all in the pursuit of being with our loved ones longer, it is totally inevitable. Thus, more and more individuals now want to prepare for the future of their family in case it happens to them.

SSS - Social Security System
Photo Credit: MattsCradle

Most especially in the case of breadwinners, the thought goes up to an extent of preparing for their families and loved ones in case the inevitable happens. One of the ways that you may prepare for the future of your family and loved ones now is to maintain an active and updated membership to the Social Security System.

The Social Security System or more commonly called SSS is one of the biggest state-run social insurance entities in the country. To maintain an active account and be eligible for the SSS loans and benefits, it is important to regularly post monthly contributions.

SSS Death Benefit 2024

One of the offers of the state-run social insurance giant is the SSS Death Benefit. It was designed to provide assurance for both the member and his/her family that the beneficiaries will not be left with nothing in case the member dies.

The SSS Death Benefit amount depends on whether the account is qualified for a Death Benefit Pension or a Lump Sum. Here’s a guide on who may file for the claim:

  • dependent spouse until he/she remarries
  • dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally adopted and illegitimate children who are below 21 years old, not gainfully employed, not married
  • dependent parents

In the absence of primary and secondary beneficiaries, the benefit may be granted by the Social Security System to the designated beneficiary/ies and legal heirs. Here are the steps on how to file for claim:

Step 1 — Check the eligibility of the deceased SSS member. He/She must have an active account to the Social Security System. The state-run social insurance agency prioritizes the primary beneficiaries in the giving of the grant.

Step 2 — Prepare the SSS Death Benefit requirements for application. Make sure to have all the documents required.

Step 3 — Submit the requirements to the SSS branch nearest to the residence of the deceased member or the beneficiary. Wait for an update from the state-run social insurance institution.

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