Details about the SSS Monthly Contribution 2024 for Land-Based OFW Members
SSS MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION 2024 – You can check the table below for the monthly contributions set for land-based overseas Filipino worker (OFW) members of the Social Security System.
One of the best moves whether you are employed or obtaining other sources of income is to maintain updated memberships to social insurance institutions. One of these entities is the Social Security System or more popularly called SSS.

The Social Security System or SSS has been in the service of the Filipino people for decades already. It has millions of members coming from different fields — mostly locally-employed and self-employed individuals.
Meanwhile, there are also a lot of overseas Filipino workers who manage to maintain an active and updated membership to the state-run social insurance agency. The membership is open for both land-based and sea-based OFWs.

Many OFWs allot a part of their monthly earning to their monthly contributions to the Social Security System. Now that another year has began, it is essential to check on the lists of the SSS monthly contribution 2024.
The Social Security System has set a different table of the SSS monthly contribution 2024 for the land-based OFW members in the country. Here’s a guide:

On the other side of posting monthly contributions on a regular basis is a possible eligibility to the loans and benefit offers of the state-run social insurance agency. Here are the loan offers and their eligibility requirements for application:
Among the many SSS loans, the Salary Loan is the offer with a very flexible purpose. Here are the eligibility requirements in applying for the offer:
- has posted at least 36 monthly contributions in the SSS account
- updated in the payment of the SSS contributions
- 65 years old and below at the time of the loan application
- currently employed, self-employed, or voluntary member of the Social Security System
- has not received any final benefit from the SSS
- has not been disqualified due to fraud committed against the SSS
The Social Security System also has a Housing Loan that can finance a house repair or home improvement. Here are the qualifications for application:
- a member of SSS who has at least 36 months contributions with 24 continuous contributions in the period prior to application
- not more than 60 years old at the time of application
- not previously granted a repair and/or improvement loan by the SSS or NHMFC
- has not been granted final SSS benefits
- updated in the payment of their other SSS loan(s), if any
The SSS also offers members a Calamity Loan that they are can turn to in times of natural calamities. It is open for members who are living in areas left under a State of Calamity. Here are the eligibility requirements in applying for the loan offer:
- residing in an area declared under a State of Calamity by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
- registered on the My.SSS portal
- has posted at least 36 monthly contributions
- has not availed of final benefits
- has no outstanding balance in CLAP or the SSS Loan Restructuring Program (LRP)