Tippy Dos Santos Recalls Final Moments With Mother

Here’s what Tippy Dos Santos shared about her mother before she passed away.

The mother of Tippy Dos Santos passed away and she shares this heartbreaking moment with her before she went away.

Before 2023 ended, the mother of actress-singer Tippy Dos Santos passed away after being involved in a vehicular accident in South Korea. Her father and mother were in a car and met the accident shortly after their arrival for a supposed short vacation.

On December 30, the mother of Tippy passed away.

“Dear family and friends, on Dec. 30, 2023, our beloved Happy passed away after suffering injuries from a traffic accident in Seoul, Korea. The hurt of this loss to our family is indescribable and we will miss her every single day,” the post read.

“It was a nightmare!”

Three days after the heartbreaking event, Tippy opened up about it. According to her, on December 26, her parent flew to South Korea and arrived in Incheon at 4. Past 5 am, they were already on their way to their hotel but the accident happened.

The car they were in hit a construction vehicle and right away, a call from her dad reached her.

He told her about the accident and that he wasn’t sure if her mom was still breathing at that moment. He called to let her know about their situation and to also inform the other about it.

At that day, she immediately flew to Korea with her aunt, her mom’s sister, and her aunt’s husband. When they arrived, her mother was in ICU and were told to see her first before going to their father.

“Before that they showed ‘yung mga scans just showing currently what my mom state was. They allowed us to go inside the ICU and that’s when I was able to see my mom.”

Her dad sustained five to six fractured ribs and minor abdominal injury/trauma. Her mother, on the other hand, suffered from rib bleeding, fractures, and a head injury. She also had a brain edema and “everything was just so swollen”.

Seeing unconscious was painful but to see her unresponsive, tongue out, and on ventilator was the most painful. She had a respiratory arrest and for a time, stopped breathing which put her into a comatose state.

On the following day, her sister followed and they were all able to speak to her. On the 29th, they were told that sedation is needed for the continued swelling but on the morning of the 30th, they received a call.

“But on the morning of the 30th, Saturday, my sister got a call that we are being called to go to the hospital. As soon as possible. When we arrived at the hospital, they said that my mom, her pulse was going down and nag-stop na ‘yung breathing niya for nine seconds. But that they were able to revive her, but her BP (blood pressure) was really down,” she said. 

That was when they were told about the heartbreaking news. According to the doctors, there’s no hope in her case because no brain stem activity has been detected when a scan was taken – “no hope”, “not gonna recover from the injury”.

“And that’s when they asked us to prepare and to really just wait.”

At exactly 11:47 a.m. of December 30, her mother passed away because of a traumatic brain injury. The investigation about the accident is still ongoing and they are working hard to take her home before her birthday which is on January 5.

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