New Year Traditions in the Philippines that Remain Alive during Celebrations — LIST

Guide on New Year Traditions in the Philippines Many Filipinos Still Practice

NEW YEAR TRADITIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES – Here are some of the practices observed by many Filipinos every New Year.

The Philippines is undeniably one of the countries with the loudest and grandest celebrations of the New Year. Most households in the country really prepare to welcome the new year with bursting of firecrackers and fireworks, a lot of food in the table, loud karaoke sounds, and a lot more.

New Year Traditions in the Philippines
Photo Credit: Mommy Blogger Sigrid

While waiting for the clock to strike 12, there are families who love listening to the best New Year’s eve songs while others play some fun games on New Year’s eve. How do you plan to spend the last hours of the year 2023?

Exactly when the clock strikes 12, there are a lot of New Year traditions that many Filipinos implement. Below, you can check the list for the practices that remain alive in the Philippines for decades now.

New Year
Photo Credit: Makati Medical Center

Many Filipinos, most especially kids and short ones, wait for the clock to strike 12 and they jump in the belief that it can increase the height and make someone taller.

Also one of the New Year traditions in the Philippines that remain alive is the wearing of polka dots. It is believed to attract prosperity as the circular shapes is similar to that of a coin.

Many Filipinos also make sure that they have at least 12 round fruits on the table for New Year’s eve believing that it can attract prosperity for the new year as the shape is similar to the coin’s.

The Media Noche is believed to attract success and prosperity for the new year. This tradition is believed to have been from the Spaniards.

Many households prepare a sticky rice menu on the New Year’s eve table as it is believed to keep the family united and prosperous in the upcoming year ahead.

Like during birthdays, there are also a lot of Filipino families who make sure they have pancit or any pasta dish as it is believed to attract good health and longevity of life.

Also one of the new year traditions in the Philippines is keeping the water and the rice container full. It is believed that it will also attract to maintain the water and rice containers abundant throughout the year.

Another tradition that its believed to attract prosperity is having coins in the pocket exactly on New Year’s eve. Many people even shake the coins inside their pockets to make sounds.

Many Filipinos also love making loud noises on New Year’s eve in the belief that it will drive away bad spirits. A lot of people go around the house making sure that the loud noises were felt in every corner.

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