New Year Greetings – Some Example Of Sincere Messages

Here are some New Year greetings, wishes, and quotes to write on your cards.

NEW YEAR GREETINGS – The Year Of The Wood Dragon is just around the corner and here are messages you can out on your cards.

A new year is approaching which means new year’s resolutions will be a thing again. Although from scratches, may this new beginning bring everyone their desires and everything they never expected to come – the ones better than you all prayed for – because you deserve it.

This new start is full of hope and potential.

To put your thoughts into words, we got you some lines and quotes to put on your NY’s cards. These messages might let people who matter to you most feel your love. Near or far, here are some that might help you in constructing up your original.

New Year Greetings

Here are some sample messages, quotes, and others

  • Health and happiness to you and your family in the new year ahead.
  • Out with the old, in with the new. Happy New Year!
  • Cheers to new beginnings.
  • Seasons change; years come and go but our family grows stronger.
  • May you have good health, lots of happiness, and a great New Year.
  • May the tears you cried this year water the soil of next year.
  • You lived the good life last year, but this year I hope you live your best life! You deserve it!
  • May your heart be light, your days be bright, and your year be just right!
  • New beginnings are just around the corner. Happy New Year!
  • May the coming year be your best one yet, filled with love and success!
  • Hoping you drink and dance your way into 2024!
  • Cheers to a fresh start and a year full of exciting possibilities!
  • Here’s to health, wealth, and all-around success. Happy New Year!

However, if you don’t know what to say, a good quote is always a great go-to and it won’t be too hard as there are plenty available online. These quotes are said by famous and influential people.

Lines from famous people

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”
— Oprah Winfrey

“Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing.”
— Sarah Ban Breathnach

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
— Socrates

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
— Albert Einstein

“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
— Meister Eckhart

“You do not find the happy life. You make it.”
— Camilla Eyring Kimball

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
— Carl Bard

“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.”
— Germany Kent

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Since this is also a big celebration, we also got you covered in terms of the new year’s eve games you can play with your loved ones. These games will keep you all entertained as you wait for the clock to strike midnight.

Your past year may not be as good as what you have planned when it started but may this brand new twelve months make you look forward for more opportunities to grow and more chances to learn from your mistakes.

Let these things accumulate to mold you to become your better version.

What can you say about this? Let us know in the comments!

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