Now Is Another Chance To Instill “Real Meaning of Christmas” To Kids — Not About Gifts But Jesus’ Birth

Christmas Is Not All About Receiving Gifts

This Christmas season is another chance for parents and guardians to instill the real meaning of Christmas to the young ones.

The Philippines has one of the longest celebrations of Christmas. In fact, the preparations start as early as September and many Filipinos are excited about the left and right parties, the gifts, the reunions and gatherings, and so much more.

Photo Credit: Idaho Statesman

Now that December is finally here once again, Christmas parties take place almost everywhere including schools. There are such things as exchange gifts apart from the voluntary gift-giving among families and friends.

Countless people are often out to shop for gifts. Many individuals have also already made up their wish list or the list of things they want to receive this C hristmas.

Photo Credit: Ling app

Giving and sharing are undeniably the essence of Christmas but we must not forget its real meaning — the birth of the Saviour Jesus Christ. This is another opportunity to instill to the kids the essence and meaning of the celebration as we recall the story of Jesus’ Nativity.

Now is another time to teach kids about the humble birth of the Son of God Who saved mankind from sins — about love, faith, and forgiveness. I humbly believe that it can cultivate humility in the hearts of the younger generation as well as nurture the love for God.

While there is nothing wrong about giving and receiving gifts, it is best to cultivate a “giver” mindset to the young ones as well and gratitude if one is on a receiver’s end.

Truth be told that there are children who links the Christmas celebration to certain traditions and beliefs more like Santa Claus. While such beliefs and traditions have long embraced the celebration of the birth of Jesus, it will be best to really single out and keep the real meaning of the celebration on top of everything — the birth of Jesus Christ.

This is one friendly opinion. Have a Merry Christmas, folks!

Disclaimer: The content of the article posted above is an opinion of the writer. Also, the citations provided are based on the information deemed as facts by the different legit sources that contribute to the basis of the making of the whole viewpoint. The writer does not, in any form, intend to create inaccurate understanding of the topic or influence the readers instead, express one’s viewpoint in a formal manner.

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