Guide on the Best Christmas Games 2023 You & Your Loved Ones Can Play
BEST CHRISTMAS GAMES 2023 – Here are some top ideas on what you and your loved ones can play at the party.
Are you one of the people who love the Christmas season? Across the globe, the Philippines is one of the countries with the longest and the grandest celebrations of Christmas. Parties come left and right.

During the Christmas season which is tagged as the most wonderful time of the year, the best Christmas songs are usually played not only inside the homes but most especially in public places. These include the shopping malls.
As parties are set left and right, there are also individuals who are tasked to prepare the best Christmas games to play during the party. Are you one of those who have been dealt with the task to prepare the games?

There are several best Christmas games out there and we have picked five (5) fun games you may choose from. Most of these are team games so everyone in the party can participate in the fun.
1. Snowman Shake
To play the Snowman Shake, you will need white pingpong balls, duct tape, and tissue boxes. Design the white pingpong balls to make them look like snowman faces and place them inside the tissue boxes. Each box must have the same number of pingpong balls.
Attach one box to each player of the team and he/she must shake to get all the pingpong balls out of the boxes. The time to make it the fastest wins the game.
2. Naughty or Nice
This Christmas game must be played in a room. You need to prepare bowls full of red and green candies which must go with the same quantity. The players of the team must divide the candies between bowls put across the room between the Naughty Jar where the red candies must be places and the Nice Jar where the green candies must be placed. The team which is able to separate the candies first wins the game.
3. All Through the House
Also one of the best Christmas games to play is the All Through the House. If you are the host, you need to prepare mini Christmas figurines like mini Santas. Hide the mini figurines all through the house. Each player of the team must find these mini figurines. The team that finds all the figurines first wins the game.
4. I Want A Hula Hoop
Also one of the best Christmas games to play is this game. You will need hula hoops and Christmas gifts filled with heavy objects. To play it, each player must roll their hula hoop and try to make it land around the gift. In case the player miss to get his/her hula hoop land successfully around the gift bag, he/she needs to run down, get their hula hoop, and run back to play again. The one who gets the goal the fastest wins the game.
5. Sugar Plums Dancing
To play this game, list Christmas songs for each team. Each team must race to get their guesser guess the title of the songs on the list by reverse charades or acting the title out without words, singing, and sign language. The first to get all the titles or the team which gets the most number of song titles wins the game.